Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Thirty struggles of being an eco-warrior

Whether you're devoted to saving our precious planet or are simply attempting to be as eco friendly as you can, being green can be a struggle! Here are 27 struggles for eco-warriors:

1. Your sheer bafflement at some people's inability or lack of will to recycle. You put card in one box and cans in the other people, it's not hard!

2. Feeling guilty every time you drive your car anywhere, and dreaming of owning an electric car one day.

3. Feeling like a terrible person when forced to get petrol from BP or Shell due to that scary red light on your dashboard. But then wondering if other oil companies are actually any better...

4. Being angry at people who think development is the answer to everything ... Have you not heard of 'Prosperity without Growth'???

5. Being secretly heartbroken when you discover a company you love is being very environmentally damaging and having to publicly turn against them ... I'm looking at you Lego! (They ended their partnership with Shell now hurrah!)

6. Again feeling immensely guilty whenever you buy a remotely luxury item .... Charity and antique shops are your only safe haven!

7. Judging people who feel the need to constantly buy things ... Money doesn't buy happiness for you or the planet!

8. Failing at following a greener diet ... How do you cook tofu anyway?

9. Forcing yourself to endure the torture that is public transport.

10. Questioning why so many buildings without solar panels exist. It's like we're not even trying people!

11. Thinking wind turbines are actually very pretty despite everyone else's nimbyism ... Do people not see how ugly power stations are?

12. A thousand polar bear pictures later still feeling very sad at the thought of their melting home.

13. People assuming you are some kind of hippie, despite lack of dreadlocks and tie dye. And wondering what's so bad about hippies anyway?

14. Pretty much hating all politicians, except the Green Party

15. The existence of climate change deniers, yeah let's not even go there...

16. Hoarding things in your endeavour to reuse everything, knowing you'll find a use for that obscure giant envelope one day

17. That soul destroying moment when you realise you've forgotten to bring your tote bag to the supermarket and have to use a plastic one or buy yet another cloth bag for life.

18. Plastic is the devil incarnate, yet you can't seem to escape it

19. Doubling your time spent shopping due to having to hunt for Eco-friendly products

20. The colour green is so intrinsically linked to being eco that you get confused when it's used to represent something else

21. Judging everyone who owns a land rover 

22. Annoying your friends and work colleagues with numerous lectures about how environmentally damaging everything is and how they should try being greener.

23. Cursing climate change when the weather is horrible 

24. Wondering if you should feel bad about beautiful hot weather as it could be caused by climate change

25. The Daily Mail is blasphemy.

26. Defending Greenpeace with your life when anyone attempts to criticise.

27. Dying a little inside whenever you see an empty/closed office or shop with ALL its lights on.

28. Ignorant comments on the Internet .... Noo man made climate change isn't a myth simply because there isn't a 100% consensus from scientists (seriously 97% is still not good enough for you?), and the fact it still snows in the UK sometimes ... These are genuinely 2 comments I just found. And I know there are much worse out there...

29. Not understanding people's apathy ... How can you not care about the destruction being done on our behalf to nature and everything it provides us?

30. But despite all this, knowing it's all worth it to help save our beautiful home, for us, wildlife and future generations. You wouldn't give up this passion for the world (ok you would if it meant saving it!)

Have you experienced any of these struggles? Or are there some important ones you think I've missed? I'd love to hear from you!