Saturday 13 October 2012

Turn off the lights when you leave the room, how would you like it if someone turned you on and then left?

Perhaps, not the most original, awe-inspiring blog post title but it makes me laugh.

I'm back (and welcome to my first follower, Annie, thanks for following me!)

Sorry for the lack of activity lately, I've been busy coming back to uni and getting back into the flow of things. Also, I've had no internet at home until now so it has been difficult to keep up with my many internet pursuits. Which is a good thing really as it means I've used far less electricity in the past few weeks. However, it has meant I've used more energy on extra trips to uni to get internet, so perhaps it has balanced out. Though I do believe my campus (University of Exeter, Cornwall Campus) is mainly run by renewable power, so that's a bonus.

However, now I'm settled back into uni life I am determined to be as green and eco-friendly as possible. So I will keep you updated on how I do and I hope I can encourage you to do the same! Also, if you are a fellow student committed to being green, please let me know your attempts and methods of being eco-friendly as I would love to know and maybe use your ideas. Let's all get committed!

My new house at uni is a good starting point for going green as it has a washing line (which I intend to use as much as possible!) and we have a few energy saving lightbulbs. We also do a lot of recyling. So it's a start for now!

Join me in trying to reduce your carbon footprint and helping the environment, here are some useful tips:

Green Tips For Around The Home

Recyclebank Tips 1-7

25 Beauty Tips Reusing Household Items

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